Historical heritage of Nerja

Historical heritage of Nerja

Nerja offers its visitors numerous tourist attractions. Most of them with great popularity, as in the case of El Balcón de Europa or La Cueva de Nerja . However, Nerja can offer you a spectacular historical heritage with great cultural value. Some of the most remarkable historical finds are described below, although some of them are really unknown:

1. Roman road (Via II from Castulo to Malaca corresponding to the 1st century).

There are fragments of an old Roman road in the Barranco de La Coladilla area . This road followed the route from Caviclum to Sexi , that is, from Torrox Costa to Almuñécar. The road was used to transport mining products from Castulo, linking ports as important as those previously mentioned (Sexi and Malaca). During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the road was used as the Royal Road. It is currently used as a cattle ravine.

Its degree of conservation is really low. You will only be able to contemplate a section of 50 meters long and about 5 meters wide.

To access it, you must take Calle Vía Romana until you reach the Fuente del Badén II Urbanization (after traveling about 800 meters). Guiding us in the direction of a dirt road (taking the right corner of this urbanization as a reference point) we travel 400 meters. At this point we will be on a path of a dry stream surrounded by a large grove. Next to one of the A-7 motorway exit. It is here where the remains of the Roman road lie.

2. Roman settlement of El Lugarejo

The settlement of El Lugarejo is currently in the urban center of Maro . Specifically south of the N-340. The most remarkable remains that have been found in this site from Roman times have been: vessels, tiles and a pile composed of opus signinum (pavement made from lime, gravel, sand and other ceramic fragments that was very widespread during Romanization). The pile is actually preserved with dimensions of 1.55 meters wide and 2.33 meters long. It still has a drain and access steps.

The role of the settlement is not yet clear. It could have been a village, an industrial plant for the manufacture of garum (a condiment made during Romanization) or even a place of passage for travelers.

3. Fortress of the Castillejos

On the summit of Los Castillejos , 932 meters above the sea, lie the remains of an old 13th century fortress. The functions of this old tower-fortress were the defense and refuge of the Arab colony that settled around the Río de la Miel . Later, during the reconquest, the Christians added a small castle to the fortress. Although it was destroyed during the War of the Moors, the remains of the cistern of the initial fortress can still be seen.

4. Arab Necropolis of Castillo Alto

In the Castillo Alto area of the town of Nerja remains of an ancient Arab necropolis have been found. A total of 150 tombs were excavated here during the 10th and 13th centuries. Tombs made of masonry and brick are marked with tiles in an upright position.

5. Lookout towers

The presence of watchtowers in the town of Nerja and in the surroundings of its district is notorious. Some buildings belong to the 16th century and others to the 18th. Many of them have undergone renovations. Most of them have a high degree of conservation.

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